Friday, December 14, 2007

The "connection reset" problem

The Symptom:

I encountered a problem of "the connection between IE and the server was reset." The application couldn't download a file of dynamically generated data(without saving it the the disk) after about 20 seconds delay when user needs to locate a folder to save the file. It works fine if user saves the file immediately.

Similar Symptom:
"I am trying to download a file. When the file starts running I am getting the
following message:
IE unable to continue...The connection with the server was reset."
"I have seen this problem before and fixed it by reducing the RWin setting. This
means delving into the registry or getting a tweak utility to do it. Exactly how to
proceed depends on your OS."

Definition of RWIN:

(Receive WINdow) A TCP/IP setting that defines the size of the buffer that holds
incoming packets. In Windows, RWIN is set in the Registry.

Steps to modify RWIN with Window XP

I've found that Windows XP is largely self-tuning. Currently I'm running XP Pro and I get 600K download speeds box stock. So you might not wish to modify the RWIN size if your speed is acceptable.
However, If you do want to change your RWIN setting, I have found that the best starting modification to make is to add an entry in the registry that creates a receive window size of 64240.
To install this modification, Right-Click on this file WindowsNT2000XP-64240 RWIN.reg and select 'Open'.
Select 'Open' again and you will be asked if your are sure you want to install this information in the registry. Select 'Yes' and than re-boot your system at your convenience.
This file adds the TcpWindowSize entry to the registry and sets a value of 64240. It also adds the Tcp1323Opts entry and sets it to 0. Neither of these entries exist in the unmodified operating system.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Tcp1323Opts=0 To return your Windows XP computer back to the original settings Save This File to your desktop and than right-click on it and select install. This will remove both of the entries and it will be as if you never changed it - once you've re-booted your machine.
More on this:

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